
Pepper Tech Festival

Pepper Tech Festivalに行って来ました。ロボットショー、展示ブース、SDK体験コーナー、開発秘話など色々面白い話が聞けました。
これはスマホアプリと同じようにロボットアプリ開発が可能です。(C++,Python, java, GUI)
GUIのプログラミング環境もあるので初心者でも簡単にアプリが開発できます。また、今までにスマホアプリを開発したことのないロボットエンジニアの方でもpython,java, C++でプログラミングが可能なのでアプリ開発がしやすいです。

I believe that Robot can make our Quality Of Life better.
I went to the Pepper Tech Festival held in Tokyo, Japan. Pepper is a companion robot developed by aldebaran robotics . The robot size is bigger than NAO from aldebaran robotics. It will be sold in next February. You can see the specifications of the robot on the aldebaran web.
You can develop pepper's software using its SDK. It has Graphic User Interface for programming, enables to do robot programming for beginners.  For advanced users, it is able to program in java, C++, and python. Now only python is able to programming both in graphical interface and the text code. There will be a pepper app store in near future.
I'm going to develop apps for pepper. Wishing for many robot developers come to this field and the development of the robot communities. 

つくばチャレンジ用ロボット Making the robot for Tsukuba Autonomous Robot Challenge

シャーシ設計 Design of the chassis

For the Tsukuba Autonomous Wheelchair challenge, I did the benchmark test of the GPS, designing  the chassis of the robot, and cut the chassis with CNC.
I'm trying to see the data of the Hokuyo LIDAR through rviz using ROS in ubuntu, but it's not working well. If you have any tips about it, please tell me.