

日本代表 ロボットサッカー部門Award of Excellence受賞
SIGVerse, RoboCup@home simulationの発表を行う
I participated in the Schoolastic ICT Innovation Competition in China(SICTIC) 2014 , hold by China Ministry of Education and China Moblie,  from 7/30 to 8/4. I was the leader of the Japan team.

The 1st day. The plane to China had delayed for 4 hours. we finnaly arrived the hotel at 2 A.M!

The 2nd day. Elementary and Junior high school student took part in the robot competition today in schedule.The Japan team had occurred a lot of troubles in the robots, broken computer, chassis breakdown, broken terrestrial sensor, program errors, etc, but all of us solved each problem before the match.
2 of the Japan team members battled with Chinese team. The Chinese robot was high speed and also controllable. The Chinese participants were programming very hard.

The 3rd day. Senior high school students participated in the robot competition today. 2 of the Japan team including me, not from the yesterday Japanese participants, battled with the Chinese team. Because the opponent robot loose the power weak, we could do a close game, 2-1, 1-1, 1-2. We figured it out Chinese robot algorithm and tactics were brilliant from the power loosing.
Chinese students were  programming in C/C++, CUI.

 3日目。ロボットサッカー部門 高校生の部です。僕を含む2名が中国チームと対戦しました。相手がパワーを緩めたためやっと2-1, 1-1,1-2という接戦ができました。スピ ードを緩めてこの結果だったことからロボットの戦術もしっかりしていることが把握できました。中国の選手はC/C++と思われるCUIのプログラミングをしていたようです。

The 4th day. All of the Japan team participants achieved the Award of Excellence in the awarding ceremony. After that we did an international exchange, between the American participants taking part in the WER(it's similar to WRO, FLL), in the Chinese Dinosaur museum. We ate special cuisine, Beijing Duck, in dinner. It was so delicious, Japanese participants including me became so happy!

4日目。表彰式で日本代表チームは Award of Excellenceを受賞しました。その後現地の恐竜博物館でWER(Ablixが主催するロボットリーグでWROに似ている)に参加しているアメリカチームと交流しました。夜はごちそうの北京ダックをいただきました。

The 5th day. We did an interchange between the children who are doing robotics in China. We did a line trace challenge, carrying object to the goal using line, with Chinese robot enthusiastic children , 2 by 2. I did a presentation of my robot development there.


The 6th day. We returned to Japan in schedule.


I often hear that Chinese children is willing to win the game using the strongest robot, developed by company, without knowing the specifications and programming. I had the same opinion before competing to SICTIC2014.
However, Chinese participants were programming aggressively, I felt the enthusiasm coming from them. They were using the "strongest robot ", however,
they customized the robot, putting black tape so that other robot can't look the ball, putting wheel protection, and in the robot school which I visited, the Chinese children were customizing the robots. The customization didn't look well, non-customization looks better than that, but I noticed they were trying to make the robots by themselves. Different from before, the Chinese children is trying to understand robotics, and becoming assertively to customize robots and coding, from the SICTIC2014.


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